Job opening: Field Experience
(Student Teachers, Observers, Methods, Interns and other non-paid activities)
Reports to: Campus Principal
Date of activity: Semester
Pay rate: Non-paid
Primary Objective:
The objective of Field Experience is to provide opportunities for individuals in which they complete
educationally related activities for educator preparation in Texas. College Station ISD (CSISD)
prioritizes placing Texas A&M University students for all field experiences.
All student candidates should complete the application process before the end of the third week
of the Texas A&M University semester schedule. Candidates for field experience must reapply each
Field Experience pre-arranged by university professors/instructors:
Candidates must complete and submit the online Field Experience application each semester.
CSISD prioritizes placing Texas A&M University students for all field experiences.
All Field Experience activities are scheduled with campus administration. The Human Resources (HR)
officeonly approves a candidate to access district campuses for this activity. All candidates are considered
approved unless the HR office contacts the professor/instructor.
Field Experience scheduled by student:
Candidates must complete and submit the online Field Experience application each semester.
CSISD prioritizes placing Texas A&M University students for all field experiences.
It is the responsibility of the candidate to contact campus administration and request a Field Experience
opportunity at that location. The Human Resources office only approves a candidate to access district
campuses for this activity. All candidates are considered approved unless the HR office initiates contact
with the individual.
The student’s responsibilities are to:
- Complete the online Field Experience application.
- Schedule the field experience activities with the campus principal or designee.
Campus contact information can be found at
It is the sole discretion of the campus principal regarding the number of field experience candidates
accepted each semester.